
Packed Nutrition

This amazing fruit is packed in abundant nutritional value. With benefits that reach far beyond the label, for most, adding dates into your diet will provide you with a great feeling.


Every serving (about 5-6 dates) contains 8g of Fiber. That's around 11% of the DVT. For a healthy, sweet and full feeling.

Healthy Bones

Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin K & Phosphorus all intertwined into this delicious tasting dessert that help with healthy bones.


Polyphenols, Lignans and Carotenoids have all been studied and linked with fighting chronic diseases.

The Date Palm

One of the most notable staples in diets for the population of Algeria and neighboring countries, the date palm has played a critical role in agriculture.

It's Very Old

Date palm trees are some of the oldest fruit bearing trees in history all over the world.

Over 200 Varieties of Dates

Varying in flavor, shapes, color and sizes, there are different types of dates that suit different tastes. The most popular are Deglet Noor, Medjool & Piarom

Warm & Dry Climates

Date palms typically thrive best in those warm dry climates with a lot of humidity. They can take around 4 years to fully grown into fruit bearing stages.

Most Popular

Check out our most purchased selection of delicious organic dates.

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